What I do

Survey tabulation

I use a range of software packages, but mainly IBM SPSS Statistics, & usually deliver custom tables in Excel outputs.

Can work with very detailed tabulation specs, or just tabulate everything sensibly by a set of standard demographic cross-breaks. Data conversion and cleaning, basic tabulations and summarisation all included.

Weighting systems can be designed that address weaknesses in your sample structure without distorting the rest of your participants’ views.


Full coding of open ends also available, which can be incorporated into tabulations or other analysis.

Advanced Statistics

I can offer a range of statistics and analytic techniques, including cluster analysis, factor analysis, CHAID / Classification & Regression trees, latent class analysis, Implicit Association Tests (IAT) and others on request.

Although I mainly work within the Healthcare Research Industry, these techniques lends themselves to most other types of data.


Mark Wills
In 1996, I started my career in banking analysis with Lloyds TSB / GMAC / Bank of New York, before moving into Market Research, working at TNS (now Kantar health) on international patient diary studies between 2000 and 2005, followed by several years as a freelancer. I joined First Line Research in 2007 until 2019, leading on all aspects of data processing, analysis and delivery.

I’m a computing and statistics graduate from the University of Brighton and experienced IBM SPSS™ user.